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Create a specialized run target for Goa

If you need special services for your Goa project, you can easily create a customized run target for testing your project. I will describe how you can achieve this in this article with two simple examples.

Goa is a Tool that helps you port Posix applications to the Genode OS framework. It also provides a handy way to test your custom Genode sub-system. All the standard services the framework provides can be used by simply adding them to the runtime file of the package description as follows:

    <nic tap_name="things"/>
    <terminal label="random"/>
      <service name="Nic"/>
      <service name="Terminal"/>

With the requires sub-nodes, you specify that the project requires a Nic and a Terminal session.

Adding a custom run target is as simple as adding a file to the directory share/goa/lib/run of your Goa repository. The name of the file determines the name of the target. The extension needs to be .tcl. In our case, the file is:


We want to use most parts from the original linux target. Therefore, the first line of the new target includes the original linux.tcl script as follows:

source [file join $tool_dir lib run linux.tcl]

In the current form, you can already run Goa projects with the new target:

 goa run --target iot_gateway-linux

Specialized nic router config

By default, for each Nic session, the following components are started:

  • linux_nic_drv is mapped to the Linux TAP device with the name given in the tap_name attribute.

  • nic_router connects your Nic session to the Uplink session of the NIC driver.

If you want to use inbound connections, such as an HTTP server running inside your project, you need to create some code to provide this.

TCL allows you to "overload" procedures, but by that, you lose access to the original procedure. To solve this problem, TCL has a cool feature I just learned about:

rename _instantiate_network _instantiate_network-vanilla

After you have added this line to share/goa/lib/run/iot_gateway-linux.tcl you now can implement a new procedure called instantiate_network that creates you special configuration as follows:

# This overloads the _instantiate_network with our own version
proc _instantiate_network { tap_name subnet_id &start_nodes &archives &modules } {
  upvar 1 ${&start_nodes} start_nodes
  upvar 1 ${&archives} archives
  upvar 1 ${&modules} modules

  global run_as

  # If the name of the TAP device is "things" we configure the inbound
  # port forwarding on tap1.
  # If you use this do NOT use tap1 for an other Nic session.
  if {$tap_name == "things"} {
    set driver_name nic_drv_$tap_name
    set router_name nic_router_$tap_name

    append start_nodes {
        <start name="} $driver_name {" caps="100" ld="no">
          <binary name="linux_nic_drv"/>
          <resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
          <provides> <service name="Nic"/> </provides>}
    if {$tap_name != ""} {
      append start_nodes {
          <config tap="tap1"/>}
    append start_nodes {
            <service name="Uplink"> <child name="} $router_name {"/> </service>
            <any-service> <parent/> </any-service>
        <start name="} $router_name {" caps="200">
          <binary name="nic_router"/>
          <resource name="RAM" quantum="10M"/>
            <service name="Uplink"/>
            <service name="Nic"/>
          <config verbose_domain_state="yes">
            <policy label="} $driver_name { -> " domain="things"/>
            <default-policy domain="thing_servers"/>
            <domain name="thing_servers" interface="">
              <dhcp-server ip_first="" ip_last=""/>
            <domain name="things" interface="" gateway="">
              <tcp-forward port="80" domain="thing_servers" to=""/>
              <tcp-forward port="443" domain="thing_servers" to=""/>
            <service name="Timer"> <child name="timer"/> </service>
            <any-service> <parent/> </any-service>
  } else {
    return [_instantiate_network-vanilla $tap_name $subnet_id start_nodes archives modules]
  lappend modules linux_nic_drv nic_router

  lappend archives "$run_as/src/linux_nic_drv"
  lappend archives "$run_as/src/nic_router"

  return $router_name

Adding a random source

Some of our projects need a random source via the Terminal session. Something that the default Linux target doesn't provide. In Genode, the jitter_sponge component provides a Terminal session from which one can read pseudo-random values.

Which services need to be provided is determined by the bind_required_services procedure. We can change this in the same way as instantiate_network before:

rename _instantiate_network _instantiate_network-vanilla

In this case, we want the original to claim all services it knows before we claim the Terminal session.

# This overloads the bind_required_services with our own version
proc bind_required_services { &services } {
  upvar 1 ${&services} services

  # make sure to declare variables locally
  variable start_nodes routes archives modules

  # first let the base claim the services it needs
  set _res [bind_required_services-vanilla services]
  append  start_nodes         [lindex $_res 0]
  append  routes              [lindex $_res 1]
  lappend runtime_archives {*}[lindex $_res 2]
  lappend rom_modules      {*}[lindex $_res 3]

  # instantiate jitter_sponge terminal driver if required by runtime
  if {[info exists services(terminal)]} {
    set random_found 0
    foreach terminal_node ${services(terminal)} {
      set terminal_label_node [query_from_string string(*/@label) $terminal_node  ""]

      # here we only handle Terminal with the label random
      if {$terminal_label_node != "random"} { continue }

      set i [lsearch -regexp ${services(terminal)} "label=\"random\""]
      set services(terminal) [lreplace ${services(terminal)} $i $i]

      if { $random_found > 0 } {
        log "Ignoring all but the first required <terminal label=\"random\"/> service"
      incr random_found

      append routes "\n\t\t\t\t\t" \
                    "<service name=\"Terminal\"> " \
                    "<child name=\"jitter_sponge\"/> " \

      _instantiate_random start_nodes runtime_archives rom_modules

  return [list $start_nodes $routes $runtime_archives $rom_modules]

Now, we only need to instantiate the jitter_sponge component and ensure the archive is available in the test.

proc _instantiate_random { &start_nodes &archives &modules } {
  upvar 1 ${&start_nodes} start_nodes
  upvar 1 ${&archives} archives
  upvar 1 ${&modules} modules

  global run_as

  append start_nodes {
      <start name="jitter_sponge" caps="300">
        <resource name="RAM" quantum="2M"/>
        <provides> <service name="Terminal"/> </provides>
        <route> <any-service> <parent/> </any-service> </route>

  lappend modules jitter_sponge

  lappend archives "$run_as/src/jitter_sponge"

To set up the tap1 device you can use the following Linux commands:

 sudo ip tuntap add dev tap1 mode tap user $USER
 sudo ip address flush dev tap1
 sudo ip address add brd dev tap1
 sudo ip link set dev tap1 addr 02:00:00:ca:fe:01
 sudo ip link set dev tap1 up

 sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

This article summarizes how you can add a target for two specific sessions:

  • A Terminal session that provides random data

  • A Nic session wired to a Linux tap device to test a Genode sub-system containing a web server.